Thursday, May 2nd, 2019



The intel  out there on the haddock fishing is accurate even though the fisher is still lightly fished due to weather.  The action is slow for this time of year and the fish are not yet into their shallow water feeding patterns.  We were able to fish stellwagen yesterday and had to cover alot of ground to find out limit.  The southwest corner to the shoalwater is holding no fish at this time even though there is plenty of bait in area.  This stretch of the bank is covered with herring and in pursuit a high volume of seals as weel as dolphins.

may haddock fishing stellwagen bank

We ended up running a few miles futher to the east then we wanted based off other sucesful reports.  A few miles to the east of middle bank in 200 ft of water did the trick we found a good number of legal sized haddock and made a quick quota.  The surface temperature out on the bank is currently 44 degrees so still quit cold for May 1st.


School stripers have made there way as far north to the South Shore of Massachusetts and the fish are bearing sea lice.   Confirmed catch of a 30" fish in the north river this past week was taken on a sebile majic minnow.

Have not heard of any confirmed Mackerel in the area yet but the herring are in think across Cape Cod bay and out on Stellwagen.

stellwagen bank haddock may limit



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